Nicola Limodio

My name is Nicola Limodio, I am an Associate Professor of Finance at Bocconi University and my research focuses on financial and development economics. My CV is here and my papers below.


Finance & Development Researchers: I am very excited for the 2025 WEFIDEV-RFS-CEPR conference on March 28 & 29 at LSE, London. This will be the first of three annual conferences with a dual submission option with RFS. The deadline is December 1st and the call for papers is available here.

In September 2023, I was awarded an ERC Starting Grant from the European Research Council for my project "Financial Institutions and Development - FINDEV" for the years 2023 - 2028. You can find a synopsis and a video at these links!

Published Papers

1.High-Speed Internet, Financial Technology and Banking” (with A. D'Andrea), Management Science, 2024, 70(2): 773-798.

Draft, Appendix, PEDL Research Summary, PEDL Research Note, BAFFI CAREFIN Working Paper, PEDL Working Paper and Data & Code. Media presence on VoxDev and Sarfatti25.

2.Deposit Insurance and Depositor Behaviour: Evidence from Colombia” (with N. de Roux), The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 36, Issue 7, July 2023, Pages 2721–2755.

Draft & Documento CEDE Working Paper and Data & Code. Media presence on the All About Finance World Bank blog. 

3. "Liquidity Requirements, Bank Deposits and Financial Development” (with F. Strobbe), Economica, Volume 90, Issue 357, January 2023, Pages 240-270.

Draft & Appendix, BAFFI CAREFIN working paper

4. Terrorism Financing, Recruitment and Attacks", Econometrica, Volume 90, Number 4 (July, 2022), Pages 1711–1742.

Draft, Appendix, PEDL Working Paper, PEDL Research Note and Data & Code. Media presence on Knowledge Bocconi, VoxDev, ProMarket, Slate Political Gabfest, TalkingAboutTerrorism, News Livedoor and BIPR video. 

5. Liquidity Risk and Long-Term Finance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment”  (with M. A. Choudhary), the Review of Economic Studies, Volume 89, Issue 3, May 2022, Pages 1278–1313.

Draft, Appendix & IGIER Working Paper. Media presence: Knowledge Bocconi.

6. Bureaucrats Allocation in the Public Sector: Evidence from the World Bank, The Economic Journal, Volume 131, Issue 639, October 2021, Pages 3012–3040.

Draft, IGIER Working Paper, Data & Code. 

 7. Anti-Trust Policies and Profitability in Non-Traded Sectors" (with T. Besley and N. Fontana), American Economic Review: Insights, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2021, Pages 251-65.

Draft, Data & Code. Media presence on Knowledge Bocconi. 

Working Papers

* “Mobile Internet, Collateral and Banking” (with A. D'Andrea, Hitayezu P., R. Kpodar, A. Presbitero). Submitted.

Draft, IMF working paper, Bank of Italy working paper and presentation at IFC Digitalization and Development Conference.

* “Mobile Money, Interoperability and Financial Inclusion” (with M. K. Brunnermeier, L. Spadavecchia). Revise & Resubmit, the Review of Economic Studies.

Draft, Draft w/out Appendix, NBER Working Paper. Media presence on Findev Gateway Blog and VoxDev Podcast.

* “The Financial Transmission of a Climate Shock: El Nino and US Banks” (with F. De Marco). Revise & Resubmit, the Review of Finance.

Draft, Working Paper and CEPR Working Paper. SSM Training video.

* "Subnational Income, Growth and the Covid19 Pandemic” (with A. M. Choudhary, I. Dal Barco, I.A. Haqqani, F. Lenzi), Accepted, the World Bank Economic Review.

Draft, IGC Working Paper and Data & Code.

* The El Niño southern oscillation and the salinity of land and water (with F. De Marco, I. Dal Barco). Resubmitted, PLOS One.

Draft, Working Paper and Data & Code.

Work In Progress

* “Deposit Insurance and Portfolio Allocation” (with P. Ghosh, N. Vats)

* “The Organizational Economics of Banking” (with L. Picariello, T. Schwantje)

Other Writings

* “Tackling climate change will require reforming the World Bank and IMF – here are two options. The Conversation, November 25, 2022.

Permanent Working Papers

* “The Impact of Chinese FDI in Africa: Evidence from Ethiopia” (with R. Crescenzi). Submitted.

Draft, LSE working paper. Media presence on fDIIntelligence, LSE GILD Blog Post and The Economist.  Presentation at STEG Annual Conference. Transforming Growth podcast